Waterproof dry bags are the perfect solution for keeping your gear dry when outdoors or for keeping your wet gear separated from your dry gear.
These dry sacks from Highlander are available in six sizes from 1 to 140 litres giving you the choice and flexibility to use them for different situations. They are especially useful as rucksack liners, washing bags, separating gear in your luggage or backpack and for any other activity when you need to keep your kit safe from water.
The dry bags are easy to close securely, roll over the top of the bag several times and use the buckle to secure it in place. This creates a waterproof seal that is also easy to open when needed.
The bags are made from lightweight nylon coated with polyurethane to make them watertight. The seams are also taped and welded to ensure no leaks.
Overall a handy set of bags that can be used in so many situations whatever your activity.
- Lightweight versatile waterproof dry sacks
- Polyurethane coated nylon
- Watertight seams (taped and welded)
- Simple and quick roll-top closure
- Colour: Black (also available in )
Sizes: (Height x Width x Depth)
- 1 litre: 16cm x 12cm x 6cm
- 4 litres: 24cm x 17cm x 11cm
- 8 litres: 32cm x 16cm x 16cm
- 13 litres: 36cm x 20cm x 20cm
- 25 litres: 57cm x 34.5cm x 22.5cm
- 40 litres: 54cm x 32cm x 32cm
- 80 litres: 66cm x 37cm x 37cm
- 140 litres: 101cm x 45cm x 45cm