Best Use: Travel
Offered in 2800, 5500, and 10400 cubic inch sizes, whether you need a carry-all duffel for that once-in-a-lifetime hunt, or a carry-on bag for all your travel essentials, the Waypoint line of duffels have you covered. Pack like a pro for all your hunting adventures with the Waypoint line of Duffels from KUIU.
Waypoint 2800 | Built to maximize the carryon size allowance, it’s ideal for your optics, electronics, and travel essentials.
Waypoint 5500 | This midsize duffel is perfect for shorter-duration or vehicle-supported hunting trips.
Waypoint 10400 | From the tarmac to basecamp, it carries it all: backpack, sleep system, tripod, optics, food, and all the gear you need for a self-supported expedition hunt.